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- Privacy criticism hits OSX Yosemite over Location data and Safari Search Results being submitted to apple
- Categories :Computer News
- Tag :Apple, apple and users privacy, Apple Computer, apple news, complete computer repair, computer news, Fort Lauderdale news, itunes, latest news, latest osx, local news, location sent over internet, mac operating system, online news, OSX, osx browsing history, osx location services, osx privacy settings, oxs privacy, privacy concerns, safari privacy, search results privacy, spotlight settings, spy on users, vulnerabilities, yosemite osx, yosemite privacy settings, your data sent to apple
- Google adds Hardware Security key for account protection
- Categories :Computer News
- Tag :authentification key, ccrepairservices, ccrs, chrome security, computer news, computer repair, Fort Lauderdale news, gmail, gmail security, Google, google account, google attacks, google news, google protection, google security, google security key, verification, latest news, local news, news, online news, online security, protection, security key, security news
- Microsoft released eight security bulletins on Tuesday that address dozens of vulnerabilities including a zero-day flaw
- Categories :Computer News
- Tag :bulletin, computer bulletin, computer news, computer repair, explorer, important updates, internet explorer updates, latest new, microsoft, microsoft news, microsoft urgent updates, news, news bulletin, os, system updates, urgent patch, vulnerability, windows vulnerability
- Nearly 7 Million Dropbox accounts Allegdely Hacked
- Categories :Computer News
- Tag :computer news, computer repair, dropbox accounts, dropbox accounts hacked, dropbox hack, dropbox hackers, fort lauderdale, laptop repair, local news latest news, online news, virus removal
- ONE MILLION people already running Windows 10
- Categories :Computer News
- Tag :computer news, computer repair, latest news, microsoft, ms windows 10, new os, new windows, news, online news, os preview, win10, windows, windows 10, windows 10 download, windows 10 priview, windows 9, windows release
- Snapchat Hacker Threatens to Leaked thousands of Nude Celebriti Images
- Categories :Computer News
- Tag :Celebriti Pictures, celebriti pictures hacked, compromised, compromised pictures, computer news, computer repair, fort lauderdale, hacked pictures, Hacker News, Hackers, Snapchat, snapchat hacked, south florida
- TripAdvisor’s Viator Hit by Massive 1.4 Million Payment Card Data Breach
- Categories :Computer News, Virus Threats
- Tag :advisory news, best news, Boca Raton, compromise, computer news, computer repair services, computer security, Credit Card Breach, fort lauderdale, latest news, local news, miami, new virus, online news, online threats, payment center, Trip Advisor, virus
- Keylogger Optimized with AutoIT Infected Thousands of Computers
- Categories :Computer News, Virus Threats
- Tag :Boca Raton, Computer Malware, computer news, computer repair, computer security news, Computer Spyware, Computer Virus, Computer virus removal, fort lauderdale, IT, keylogger, local news, miamiI, new spyware, new virus, new viruses, online news, security threat
- Cell phone Users can be Secretly tracked Across the globe thanks to SS7 Tracking System
- Categories :Computer News
- Tag :cell phone spy, cell phone surveillance, computer news, latest news, local news, mobile phone, online news, online surveillance, security system, ss7, surveillance, user tracking system
- New file-encrypting ransomware called CryptoGraphic Locker
- Categories :Virus Threats
- Tag :Cryptographic Locker, fort lauderdale virus removal, Local Computer Repair, Local Virus removal, malware, miami virus removal, new malware, new virus, online virusses, Spyware, viru, viruses
- Rise in Anti-Child Porn Spam Protection Ransomware infections
- Categories :Virus Threats
- Tag :Child Porn Virus, computer news, computer repair, Computer Virus, Fake Virus, forft lauderdale, local news, malware, new malware, new threats, new virus, online computer news, online news, Spyware, virus, Virus News, virus removal, viruses
- Microsoft throws old versions of Internet Explorer under the bus
- Categories :Computer News
- Tag :broward county, computer news, computer repair, internet explorer, internet explorer support, latest news, local news, microsoft news, online news, south florida